Hydraulic Cements & Grouts

Custom Plug™ Cement • Data Sheet

The rapid setting cement product is designed to stop water infiltration instantly and seal minor seepage through cracks in concrete and masonry brick and make quick repairs in new and existing sewerage structures including manholes, lift station wet wells, concrete pipes, water clarifiers, headwork’s, and water treatment plant structures. The hydraulic cement is applied by hand mixed with potable water or in dry form. It is comprised of calcium aluminates and sets in 60 seconds; this product does not contain calcium chloride.

Fast Set Bench Repair Cement (Repair Mortar) • Data Sheet

The dry, rapid setting, high early strength cement product is designed to make, create or adjust a manhole bench, fill cracks and repair voids in damaged brick, concrete and Fiberglas structures, seal around pipes in sewer manhole bottoms and repair concrete floors in [sewerage workings] and pipe terminations. The shrink compensated Fast Set Bench Mix material is applied by hand mixed with potable water. It is comprised of sulfate resistant calcium aluminate cement and sets in 8 to 15 minutes; this product does not contain calcium chloride.

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